Dr Levit has dealt with a wide variety of complex eye conditions throughout his career, he routinely receives referrals from ophthalmic surgeons, in the UK and from abroad, optometric colleagues as well as from general practitioners of patients with a wide variety of corneal and visual disorders.
Dr Levit specialises in the management of the visual symptoms of keratoconus and other corneal ectatic disorders with contact lenses, he is the inventor and designer of a specialist contact lens design and correction system [1] for keratoconus called the ALK™ which are manufactured and distributed all over the world by Ultravision CLPL.
The most common disorders referred are ecstatic corneal disorders like Keratoconus, eyes with postoperative complications, following corneal graft, refractive laser or cataract surgery. The fitting requirements for these patients are more complex and require specialist knowledge and lens designs.*
Dr Levit is a certified specialist in all medical contact lens modalities; these include specialist corneal rigid lenses, a variety of hybrid lens designs, as well as large corneal, semi-limbal and scleral lenses. All of these are available and regularly fitted at Barnard and Levit.
Although spectacle lenses may provide adequate visual quality to patients with very mild forms of corneal disorders, contact lenses are the main modality in the optical correction and visual restoration of corneal irregularity disorders. Dr Levit specialises in fitting the widest range of speciality contact lenses to the extent that all levels and severities of corneal disorders may be treated with the most appropriate type of contact lenses for the individual patient and eye.
The gold standard of optical restoration of the irregular cornea are Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses. The delivery of a regular, rigid, optically transparent surface to the irregular front of the cornea, neutralises the corneal distortions by the generation a tear medium with its new, regular front surface sculpted by the back surface of contact lens.
That regular rigid surface may be delivered by a wide range of contact lens types and designs;
Standard RGP lenses
Speciality RGP lenses
Standard Corneal lenses
Large Corneal lenses
Small Corneal lenses
Large Diameter: Simi-Limbal and Limbal lenses
Large Diameter: Semi-Scleral and Scleral lenses, which were found to be more comfortable even by habitual corneal RGP contact lens wearers with keratoconus
Standard Hybrid (RGP centre soft periphery) lenses.
Speciality Hybrid (RGP centre soft periphery) lenses.
Speciality Soft contact lenses
Spherical Speciality Soft contact lenses
Toric (astigmatism correcting) soft contact lenses
Follow this link for details on more Complex and Bespoke lenses for Keratoconus and other Ectatic corneal disorders, offered at the practice.
Contact Us
You can reach Barnard Levit Optometrists by phone: 020 8458 0599 or post: Zamenhof House, 58 Clifton Gardens, London, NW11 7EL, or email: