The PECP is designed to make contact lens wear more cost effective for patients whilst encouraging them to attend for regular care. The payments for eye care and contact lenses are divided into smaller, direct debit monthly payments. The annual cost for contact lenses and the professional care under the PECP, is substantially reduced compared to the cost of eye care and contact lenses outside of the plan.
You may decide not to enrol as a member of the PECP and instead choose to pay for your contact lenses and eye care as you go please do note that the additional benefits of the plan are then not available to you.
What are the benefits of the PECP?
Members of the PECP receive a number of benefits:
Professional eye care appointments - all contact lens related check ups including emergencies, scheduled and unscheduled examinations and regular general eye examinations are included .We recommend that you have your routine eye examination and contact lens exam at least once a year. However, if it is necessary to have these exams more frequently, they will be covered under the plan.
Unscheduled lens replacement due to breakage or loss will be provided at 50% of the normal cost.
Members of the PECP benefit from a 10% reduction on contact lens solutions
10% reduction of costs for spectacles and sunglasses (except on our economy range or during other special offer events).
What is Not Covered By The PECP?
Please note that the cost of re-fitting (change in type ) of contact lenses and advanced ocular diagnostics including Optomap and OCT scans are not covered under the PECP.
How Does The PECP Work?
You may choose to become a member of the plan to pay for either:
Your eye care with contact lenses or your eye care without contact lenses. (This is suitable for daily disposable contact lens wearers and non-contact lens wearers alike.)
Direct Debit
When you enrol on the plan you will be asked to complete a direct debit form to set up a fixed monthly payment. This will appear on your bank statement as a payment to Sauflon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. You will be paying for your lenses in arrears by your monthly payments whilst, at the same time, receiving benefits throughout the twelve month period including both appointments and reductions on contact lens solutions. spectacles and sunglasses listed above.
If you wear daily disposable lenses, your monthly payment is designed to cover your eye care only and does not include the cost of your lenses. This is because the number of lenses used each month varies from patient to patient. A major benefit for daily disposable wearers being members of the plan is that you receive a reduction of approximately 20% on purchase of your daily disposable contact lenses.
Direct debit payments continue to be collected from your account as long as you wish to be supplied with contact lenses and eye care.
Leaving the PECP
If you are gas permeable contact lens wearer and you decide to leave the plan, you will need to pay the remaining monthly instalments to cover the cost of lenses already received and for which you are paying in arrears.
Credit for soft lenses will be provided only if unopened, unmarked, recently (within 3 months) supplied lenses.
Please let us know if you decide to cancel your direct debit for any reason as this helps us with our administration. The benefits of the plan cease immediately upon cancellation.
Contact Us
You can reach Barnard Levit Optometrists by phone: 020 8458 0599 or post: Zamenhof House, 58 Clifton Gardens, London, NW11 7EL, or email: