Our highly experienced and qualified dispensing opticians & technicians are trained to offer you advice and help in selecting eye wear to suit you and the optimum lenses for your visual requirements.
Skill and Care...
As with the eye examination, skill and care is applied in helping you choose your spectacle frames and advising you on lenses. In this modern consumerist age we still pride ourselves in our knowledge that dispensing spectacles requires sound professional advice, measurements and fitting.
Measurements and Fitting....
Our dispensing opticians will take a number of facial measurements to ensure your spectacles fit properly. These include your head width, temple width, angle of side, length to bend and your inter-pupillary distances. These measurements will be translated to the frame and lenses to ensure a comfortable fit and optimum vision.
Aesthetics, Fashion and Style....
We are very conscious of the desire for fashion and ensure that you have the choice of the latest and highest quality frame designs. Every pair of spectacles is uniquely tailored and adjusted to suit your facial features, visual requirements and lifestyle.
And Ongoing Adjustments...
As time goes by your spectacle frames may need adjustment. You are always very welcome to call in at any time for complimentary adjustments.
We Have Time For You...
You are welcome to spend as much time as you need with our dispensing opticians. We want to give you truly personal care.
And Competitive....
Despite the fact that we strive to provide the highest standard of professional dispensing and offer our patients some of the best quality frames and lenses in the world, we are very competitive. Indeed, if you see the frame you have chosen elsewhere that is priced lower than ours or if you purchase a frame from us and see the exact frame on offer for less elsewhere within a month, we will not only match or refund you the difference, we will also present you with a gift token.
Contact Us
You can reach Barnard Levit Optometrists by phone: 020 8458 0599 or post: Zamenhof House, 58 Clifton Gardens, London, NW11 7EL, or email: