Looking after your eyes is often easier said than done and they are, of course, a highly sensitive organ that require a good deal of attention to make sure they remain in good condition.
There is one eye-related ailment that often goes unrecognised and unreported amongst patients because it isn't something about which a great deal is known amongst the general public and the condition is known as Evaporative Dry Eye.
When it comes to Evaporative Dry Eye problems, it's imperative that the correct treatment is administered because incorrect treatment will merely serve to exacerbate the problem and make the condition more painful.
There are, however, certain hints and tips which can be considered in order to help lessen the likelihood of experiencing Evaporative Dry Eye. Let's take a look at six of the best below:
1: Carry Out Warm Compress Once a Day

An eye that has Evaporative Dryness may respond well to a daily warm compress that can help restore moisture to the eye. The MGD Eyebag above can be reheated in the microwave up to 200 times and stay warm for 10 minutes to provide relief from some of the symptoms of Evaporative Dry Eye. These eyebags are available in our offices.
2: Flax Seed Oil

Though it may not be something you'd thought would help in your battle against dry eyes, flax seed oil can actually be one of your greatest allies in helping tackle Evaporative Dry Eye. Research indicates that a daily amount of 1g of flax seed oil taken orally on a daily basis can help eradicate some of the itchiness and dryness associated with the condition.
Available at Holland & Barrett
3: Use Products Like Blephaclean to Clean Eyelid Margins

These sterile pads are ideally suited to help ensure good quality eye health and should be part of your daily eye hygiene routine. Blephaclean wipes will gently wipe away impurities, dirt and make up but won't irritate the eye in the same way as many other wipes will and are recommended for those who experience Evaporative Dry Eye symptoms.
We offer Blephaclean wipes at Barnard Levit.
4: Use Ocular Lubricants

An ocular lubricant is another great tip for helping reduce or eradicate the symptoms associated with Evaporative Dry Eye and using a product like Emustil on a daily basis will help keep your eyes well lubricated and reduce the itchiness, dryness and discomfort which is evident with this condition.
5: Lipiflow Treatments

Lipiflow is a revolutionary treatment for Evaporative Dry Eye conditions and we're delighted to offer this to patients here at Barnard Levit. This involves warming and compressing the eyelids to help address the symptoms of the condition and improve them almost immediately. Lipiflow helps patient's eyes to generate fluids responsible for keeping eyes lubricated and free from the common complaints of dry eyes.
You can get Lipiflow treatments at Barnard Levit.
6: Antibiotic Eye Ointments

If your Evaporative Dry Eye condition is particularly severe, you may wish to speak to your eye care practitioner about antibiotic eye ointment to help address and reduce the symptoms of dry eyes that you are experiencing.